Offset – Komori heatset web – medium - long run
Exceptional publications and direct mail require exceptional technology; production at this level of quality at high-speed requires precision, a fine tuned workflow, and colour experts to take your project to the next level.
Our Komori S38 web offset press produces award-winning results with in-line production efficiencies, even leveraging obotic paper handling to protect the health of our team and your work.
Nanography – Landa sheetfed inkjet - short – medium run
Our focus on customization and personalization in print enabled us to become home to Canada’s first LANDA Nanographic® Digital Press, creating sustainable opportunities for our partners. This jaw-droping technology providing 100% customization at the highest levels of quality, on par, or argueably better than commercial sheetfed.
Digital – Kodak NexFinity – short run customization
Kodak’s award winning NexFinity Digital press offers incredible flexibility and adaptability.
Workflow - Kodak Pringery / Insite
Smooth, secure, and simple file submission through our collaborative Kodak InSite Prepress Portal enables your team to collaborate with us seamlessly. The system pre-flights, and provides a secure approval environment so you can do your job from anywhere and in real-time.
Colour - G7 Ideal Alliance
The G7 Master designation identifies print service providers, prepress providers and creative agencies that excel in implementing the international standard for G7 Proof-to-Print Process. The G7 Proof-to-Print Process is a calibration method that enables printers to achieve an accurate and consistent visual simulation across multiple print platforms. G7 Certification ensures that colour looks the same on any proof, offset print, digital print, large format print or on the web.
Our highly trained G7 expert works with all our production teams to regularly calibrate each device and maintain our rigorous certification standards.
Print Management Storefronts
Save time, money and ensure your brands consistency across all your marketing platforms with an online PRINT MANAGEMENT STOREFRONT. Mitchell’s custom PRINT MANAGEMENT STOREFRONT’s enable you to and your team to manage all phases of your workflow, from creative through to fulfillment, and delivery, all at the touch of your keyboard.
Web Media Project28 – web development and interactive solutions
From real estate to retail—unlocking MICRO DATA is new insight into your customers. It’s concise, intuitive, and actionable. Project28's MICRO DATA DISCOVERY reveals how to empower your website and extract more value from your digital advertising. Our expertise in web development, interactive touch screens and visual renderings, complement and empower your print marketing.
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Mail Management and customization
Whether it’s simple unaddressed admail, or hightly customized variable data content, MITCHELL has the ability, technology, and knowhow to achive your vision, right here in our facility.
Workflow - Kodak Pringery / Insite
Smooth, secure, and simple file submission through our collaborative Kodak InSite Prepress Portal enables your team to collaborate with us seamlessly. The system pre-flights, and provides a secure approval environment so you can do your job from anywhere and in real-time.
Colour - G7 Ideal Alliance
The G7 Master designation identifies print service providers, prepress providers and creative agencies that excel in implementing the international standard for G7 Proof-to-Print Process. The G7 Proof-to-Print Process is a calibration method that enables printers to achieve an accurate and consistent visual simulation across multiple print platforms. G7 Certification ensures that colour looks the same on any proof, offset print, digital print, large format print or on the web.
Our highly trained G7 expert works with all our production teams to regularly calibrate each device and maintain our rigorous certification standards.
Print Management Storefronts
Save time, money and ensure your brands consistency across all your marketing platforms with an online PRINT MANAGEMENT STOREFRONT. Mitchell’s custom PRINT MANAGEMENT STOREFRONT’s enable you to and your team to manage all phases of your workflow, from creative through to fulfillment, and delivery, all at the touch of your keyboard.
Web Media Project28 – web development and interactive solutions
From real estate to retail—unlocking MICRO DATA is new insight into your customers. It’s concise, intuitive, and actionable. Project28's MICRO DATA DISCOVERY reveals how to empower your website and extract more value from your digital advertising. Our expertise in web development, interactive touch screens and visual renderings, complement and empower your print marketing.
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Mail Management and customization
Whether it’s simple unaddressed admail, or hightly customized variable data content, MITCHELL has the ability, technology, and knowhow to achive your vision, right here in our facility.